
DST Controls, one of those who set the standard for Gimbals globally, has over the years faced increased competition from different global players. DST Control has had a strong focus on its product / products rather than its users. Which has made the brand a little diffuse.


Customers have missed that DST Controls is the original and one of the best in the world. In addition, it is unclear for whom and what DST's products are suitable for. It also needs to be clarified that they are also extremely robust and work in all climates and with most types of carriers.


To communicate that DST Controls Gimbals is the original with the highest quality. To show that DST Controls Gimbals suits most carriers and that it works in all types of environments, missions and challenges. By creating a graphic communication platform where all the environments are visualized in 3D, you get a direct connection to and how our Gimbals works in all these different environments and with the different carriers.

Perfect vision.
Anytime. Anywhere.

Regardless if you need eyes in the sky, at sea, in the desert, in space or anywhere else – you can trust that we deliver the most reliable gimbals for the toughest environments.
