Qstar is one of the bigger fuel suppliers in Sweden, with more than 400 gas stations. What separates them from competitors is that their stations are unmanned, which stands in exceptional contrast to the all-inclusive concept that most gas stations are practicing today. With other stations acting like supermarkets, there’s a big risk that Qstar comes forward as the lesser option. To keep Qstar relevant in the game, the brand needed an update.
We realized that we could turn the problem to our advantage. Because the fact is that without any hotdogs, books, sunglasses or toilets, the price will be cheaper. And that a stop for gas refill will run both faster and smoother if it doesn't involve a world of options.
Everything from history to business idea makes Qstar the perfect underdog, with an obvious enemy in the manned fuel giants. By focusing on the fact that Qstar offers nothing but fuel, we made them into a standard-bearer for unmanned gas stations. Through an expression that plays on the shortcomings of all-inclusive stations, we intend to make unmanned synonymous with cheap and fast.
Can fuel be fun?To play with our shortcomings we need an appearance that is fun and wacky. Making something fun out of fuel is not easy but by starting with a chunky chimering campaign logo where off to a great start.
A responsive illustration systemBy twisting and turning a chunky pink fuel hose we created a responsive illustration system adaptable for every application. Toping it off with a babyblue nossle and a peculiar drop of fuel, we might actually turn some heads by only depicting fuel.
Colorful sprinklesThose dull product descriptions were in great need of a splash of color. By using duotoned icons acting as decorative sprinkles, we made sure that even the most boring informative application reflects the quirky personality of Qstar.