For many people, gas stations manned by staff are perceived as a smarter alternative than unmanned ones, as these gas stations in addition to fuel also sell other things in their shops.
Qstar only sells fuel and nothing else. But what are you as a customer really missing out on if you visit Qstar instead of a gas station with a shop? Well stuff like snacks and sweets, cigarettes, fast food and other minor purchases that all have one thing in common – they’re bad for either your health or your wallet.
Today, there are many so-called "miracle methods" that are supposed to help people get rid of bad habits. For example stop smoking, get in shape, save money, etc. Now we are launching a brand new method that will help you get rid of every single one of your bad habits at once - we call it the Qstar Method!
Campaign site
Through the campaign site, we were able to extend the idea and further reinforce the visual expression that draws inspiration from classic miracle methods, weekly magazines and TV shop advertisements.
With advertising banners, we were able to quickly explain the meaning of the Qstar Method by listing all the different things that the method can help you cut down on – simply by not selling them.